Adapt to Security Practices

Learn how you can safeguard your information when you perform online banking transactions on your computer and mobile devices.

Banking Part of: Guides > Your Guide to Online Security

Protect your computer
  • Enable auto update for your computer's operating systems and applications. These updates carry security and bug fixes to secure your computer and the information stored on it.
  • Enable desktop firewall to protect your computer from external attacks.
  • Install anti-virus program from a known and trusted source, keep it up to date to ensure it remains effective.
Protect your mobile device
  • Enable auto update for your device’s operating systems and applications. These updates carry security and bug fixes to secure your device and the information stored on it.
  • Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not needed to limit the potential for access by hackers.
  • Refrain from jailbreaking a smartphone as unverified or unsupported apps may carry security vulnerabilities.

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