Be rewarded with cash gifts when you deposit SGD/USD
Could I share this promotion with my family and friends to participate?
This promotion is only offered to existing DBS Treasures clients. Clients who newly onboard with DBS Treasures from 1 July to 30 September 2024 are also not eligible to participate in this promotion.
Am I eligible to participate in this Fresh Funds (September 2024) Promotion despite participating in earlier fresh funds campaigns?
Yes, you can participate with released funds in September 2024 from earlier promotions or choose to top up further with additional fresh funds.
Please note that you still need to fulfill the other criteria as stated in the Terms and Conditions.
Can I participate multiple times across the promotion period?
Yes, you may participate up to 2 times across the respective participation periods as stated in the Terms and Conditions.
Can I make multiple eligible deposits over the promotion period?
Yes, you may make multiple transactions to deposit the fresh funds corresponding to your registered amount. Please note the registered amount needs to be in multiples of either S$100,000 or US$100,000.
What are eligible fresh funds for this promotion?
Fresh funds refer to funds:
in the form of SAL/PAY deposits, funds deposited through cheque(s), cashier’s order(s), demand draft(s), cash deposits, FAST credit, MEPS receipt, telegraphic transfer, share payment, inward payments from CDP/CPF and funds transfer from corporate accounts;
that are not transferred from any existing DBS / POSB account, deposited via DBS / POSB cheque(s) / cashier’s order(s) / demand draft(s) or withdrawn from any existing DBS / POSB account and re-deposited within the promotion period.
What does “earmarking my funds” mean?
“Earmarked” funds mean the deposits registered for the promotion cannot be used or withdrawn for any other purpose.
Will I continue to earn interest on my earmarked funds?
Yes, you will continue to earn the prevailing interest on your earmarked funds.
How would I know that my funds are earmarked?
You may wish to check your account balance on your DBS digibank mobile app or online. Earmarked funds are included under Total Balance, while you would see a lower Available Balance.