digibank app | Momentarily unavailable between 12am to 6am - Scan and Pay, FAST, and PayNow
- eStatements and eAdvices
digibank app digibank Online (Internet Banking) | 11am to 12pm - Access to Online Equity trading services
Momentarily unavailable between 12am to 6am - digibank login
- Wealth Portfolio and Investment Services
- Credit/Debit Cards 3D-Secure Transactions
- Credit/Debit Cards transaction alerts will be delayed till after 6am
- Adding or deleting of Payee Bill payment
- Cards Account Summary
- Debit transactions on Credit Card and Cashline
Credit/Debit Card & Cashline Services | Momentarily unavailable between 12am to 6am - Cashline services
- All Credit Cards PIN related transactions for VISA, AMEX and Mastercard
PayLah! | 10pm to 11pm - Insurance application for TravellerShield Plus
Momentarily unavailable between 12am to 6am |
Public Website | 10pm to 11pm - Insurance application for Complimentary Travel Insurance
digibank app digibank Online (Internet Banking) Public Website | 10pm to 11pm - Insurance application for
- BBM Travel
- Overseas Student Protect
- TravellerShield Plus