GIRO Billing Organisation

Brokerage/Securities Firms
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
DBS Vickers Securities
(Singapore) Pte Ltd
DBS Vickers Trading account number7 Digits80XX XXX
Please indicate "0" for payment limit.

Country Clubs / Recreational Clubs
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
67 Pall Mall Singapore Pte. Ltd.Membership No.9 Characters (all numeric)012345678
SENTOSA GOLF CLUBMembership Number7 Alphanumeric Characters (Maximum)A12345 / A12345X / AB1234
Singapore Swimming ClubAccount No. with billing corporation as shown on statement5 Characters (2 Alphabet 3 Digits)TA123
Singapore Island Country ClubClub No. as provided by billing organisation5 Characters (1 Alphabet 4 Digits)A0123400 as A1234
Temasek ClubNRIC No. with Prefix8 Characters (1 Alphabet 7 Digits)S1234567A
The Keppel ClubMembership No.6 Characters (2 Alphabet 4 Digits)NG1234
Warren Golf & Country ClubMember's Club No. as shown on membership card or statement9 Characters (2 Alphabet 6 Digits with a hyphen)Social Member ST1234-00
Member's Club No. as shown on membership card or statement9 Characters (2 Alphabet 6 Digits with a hyphen)Golfing, Ladies, Ordinary Member GF1234-00
Member's Club No. as shown on membership card or statement11 Characters (3 Alphabet 7 Digits with a hyphen)Corporate Member CM0021N1-00

Credit Cards / DBS Cashline / TFL / SL
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
DBS/POSB Credit Card (Including DBS Amex Card)Last 12 digits of the DBS/POSB credit card no (Without Hyphens)12 DigitsVisa/MasterCard:
4556 1234 5678 9101 = 123456789101
DBS Amex:
3779 123456 78910 = 912345678910
Tuition fee Loan (TFL) / Study Loan (SL)Loan Account number (Without Hyphens) 00005xxxxxxx12 Digits05-123456-7 input the bill reference no. as 000051234567
American Express CardFor credit cards (3762 1 xxx...), input first 11 digits of the card no (without Hyphens)11 Digits3762 123456 78901 input the bill reference no. as 37621234567
For charge cards (3762 0 xxx...), input first 11 digits of the card no (without Hyphens)3762 123456 78901 input the bill reference no. as 37621234567
For corporate cards (3762 2 xxx...), input first 11 digits of the card no (without Hyphens)3762 123456 78901 input the bill reference no. as 37621234567
DBS Cashline
10-Digit DBS Cashline account no.10 Digits0821234567

Educational Institution
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
Busy Bees SingaporeDDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
Busy Bees @ workDDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
Brighton MontessoriDDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
JUST KIDSDDA Reference should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA
Pat's SchoolhouseDDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
Odyssey PreschoolDDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
Ministry of EducationNRIC or FIN as per Student ID9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 digits)T0123456A/ G1234567W
MOE KindergartensDDA Reference should be Birth Certificate number of enrolled MK child9 Characters (2 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567A
Nanyang PolytechnicAdmission Number7 Alphanumeric Characters120899P
PAP Community Foundation (PCF)DDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 charactersT1234567ACDA
Raffles Girls' School (Secondary)NRIC or FIN as per Student ID9 Characters (2 alphabets 7 digits)T0812345Z
Raffles InstitutionNRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S7812345I / F1234567J
SAFARI HOUSE PTE LTDDDA Reference should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA
Singapore American School LimitedStudent ID number5 characters12345
Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)Student ID7 Characters1600101
Singapore Management UniversityNRIC or FIN as per Campus ID9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 digits)S7712345I/F1234578A
Singapore PolytechnicStudent ID No.7 Digits2000001
Temasek PolytechnicAdmission Number8 Alphanumeric Characters2012345P
ZOO-PHONICS BT TIMAHDDA Reference should be Child’s Student ID followed by "1" for CDA accounts or "2" for non-CDA account6823451 OR 823452
ZOO-PHONICS ASIADDA Reference should be Child’s Student ID582345

Government Agencies
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
Health Promotion BoardPlease refer to the DDA reference number that is included in your hiSG notification email.7 Digits1010123
IRAS - Income Tax*NRIC or FIN No.9 CharactersS7812345I / F1234567J
IRAS - Property Tax*Reference No. provided by billing organisation8 Characters0357568G
KK HOSPITALPatient’s NRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S7812345I / F1234567J
NHC OutpatientPatient’s NRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S1234567A / F1234567J
SENGKANG GENERAL HOSPITALPatient's NRIC or FIN or MRN No.12 Characters (2 Alphabets 9 Digits)S1234567A / F1234567J
/ X0123456789B
Reference Number (on top right of the invoice)
10 characters (pls omit hyphens)For 12-345-12345, input as 1234512345
For Non CDA
Add “N” prefix + Reference Number (on top right of the invoice)
11 characters (pls omit hyphens)For 12-345-12345, input as N1234512345
SGHNEEDYPATIENTSFUNDNRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S7812345I / F1234568J
Singapore Food AgencyCustomer reference number, usually UEN, NRIC or FIN10 characters (Max) (All in CAPS)UEN: 201511111A
NRIC/FIN: S1234567A
Singhealth PolyclinicsNRIC No. as per Bank Account Holder NRIC9 Characters (2 Alphabets 7 Digits)S1234567A
SNEC OutpatientPatient’s NRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S1234567A / F1234567J
WOODBRIDGE CHARITYNRIC or FIN No.9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 Digits)S1234567A / F1234567J

Insurance Companies
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
AIA*Insurance Policy No.i. 10 Character Policy
Format: X999999999
where the first character is an alphabet, followed by 9 numeric.
For Loan, replace the first alphabet as “R”, followed by 9 numeric.R123456780
For HealthShield policy with Essential Rider, please enter only the HealthShield policy number with prefix “H”.H123456780
ii. 9 Numeric Policy
Format: 999999999
policy number should be ranged between 000014570 and 000926361
For Loan, to add alphabet “R” as the first character, followed by 9 numeric.R000123456
HSBC Life (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.Policy No. with the billing organisation.
  1. 999999 where there are 6 digits
  2. X99999 where X can be 'H', M' or 'P' followed by 5 digits 
  3. 00999999 where first 2 digits are 00, followed by 6 digits
  4. 99999999X where there are 8 digits followed by an alphabet
  5. 999-9999999 where the first digits can be 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 8

Alternatively, you may submit your GIRO applications via HSBC Life Singapore’s website at
  1. 012345
  2. H12345
  3. iii. 00112233
  4. 01234567E
  5. v. 501-2345678
CHINA LIFE INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.*Insurance Policy No.8 Digits12345678
CHINA TAIPING INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.10 digit Policy Number (Numeral) - Only Applicable for Life Insurance Policy10 Digits0123456789
Great Eastern Life*Insurance Policy No.8 or 10 Digits (Max) 
Great American Insurance Company*Policy Number12 characters
Example of policy number:
*Remove 1st two characters and last two characters
Manulife SingaporeInsurance Policy Number(i) 10 digit policy format: 14XXXXXXXX
(ii) 8 digit policy format: 70XXXXXX

MSIG Insurance (s) Pte Ltd*Insurance Policy No.  
Prudential Assurance*Policy Number, NOT beginning with "7", "8", "I", "O" and "Q"8 characters Policy Number12345678
Singlife (Health)*MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance0686xxxxxxxx where ‘xxxxxxxx” denotes your 8-digit Client Reference No068612345678
Public Officers Group InsurancePGxxxxxxxx where ‘xxxxxxxx” denotes your 8-digit Client Reference No. (Letters all in Uppercase)PG12345678
Individual Health Policy8-digit Policy No.12345678
Singlife (Life)*Individual Life Policy8-alphanumeric Policy No.12345678
Tokio Marine Life Insurance*Policy Number5 to 8 charactersLife Insurance Policy No (5 to 8 Characters)
i. 88888 where there are 5 digits
ii. 888888 where there are 6 digits
iii. 88888888 where there are 8 digits (inclusive of zeros in front)
iv. XX8888 where XX can be IS, IM, ES, EM, TR or RR followed by 4 digits
v. D9999999 starting with D followed by 7 digits

Other Agencies
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample


NRIC or FIN No.9 CharactersS7812345I / F1234567J

Canossaville Children and Community Services

- DDA Reference Should be Child’s Birth Certificate along with indication of CDA or GRO

- NRIC for Donation
12 Characters (5 Alphabets 7 digits)T1234567ACDA or T1234567AGRO
Care for The Disabled LimitedNRIC No. with Prefix9S1234567A
Certis CISCO SafeBoxAccount No as shown in the middle section of the SDB Agreement Form.Up to 12 Digits123456789012 / 12345678
CordLife Group LimitedCollection Kit no. for Child Development
Accounts (CDA)
9 Characters (Alphanumeric, without hyphens)For SG-0-012345,
input as SG0012345
“N” prefix + Collection Kit no. for Non-
CDA Accounts
10 Characters (Alphanumeric, without hyphens)For SG-0-012345,
input as NSG0012345
Credit Culture Pte LtdCustomer GIRO reference number, starting with GI.10 Characters (GI, followed by 4 numeric, followed by 4 alphanumeric)GI180713A9
Fundbox Pte LtdAgreement No. as shown on the top left section of your Agreement Document2 ALPHABET followed by 9 DIGITSEK190502559
HitPay Payment Solution Pte LtdPlease refer to DDA reference displayed on HitPay payment checkout page or included in email sent by HitPay Payment Solutions Pte Ltd11RP123456789
Metis Global SGTrust Plan No.10RPRO12345S
NETS - NETS Cheque*NETS Cheque Ref. No.12 Characters (12 Digits)912345679999
NKFIndividual: NRIC/ FIN or Passport No.11 Characters (Max)S1234567A/ F1234567A
NTUC MembershipNRIC or FIN No.9 CharactersS7812345I / F1234567J
PAP Community Foundation (PCF)DDA reference should be elderly client NRIC9 CharactersS1234567A
TECK WEI CREDIT PLVehicle Number8 Characters (Alphanumerics)SGK1234B / FE1234K
Toyota FinancialAgreement Number  
UNIQCASH PTE LTDNRIC or FIN9 Characters (2 Alphabet 7 digits)S0123456A / G1234567W

Telecommunications and Utilities
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
ES Power by Environmental Solutions (Asia) Pte LtdAccount No. as shown on the utilities invoice12 Characters (Alphanumerics)1012345
FLO ENERGY SINGAPOREFlo Account Number, as shown on the top right section of the Utilities invoice10 characters (2 characters and 8 Digits)SG01015099
Geneco - Seraya Energy10 characters account number with prefix ‘GC’.10 charactersGC1234567C
Keppel Electric Pte LtdYour Keppel Account No. If you do not have an Account No., refer to your welcome email10 digits (Account No.) / 11 digits (Email Bill Reference No.)1234567890 / 98765432101
M1 Limited*9 numeric digit "Account No" shown on the M1 Limited invoice9 Numeric Digits 
MyRepublic Pte LtdCustomer Identification No. or NRIC No.8 Characters (1 alphabet & 7 digits) or 9 characters (2 alphabets & 7 digits)C1000000 / SXXXXXXXZ
Pacificlight Energy Pte LtdPLE Account No. as shown at the top right section of the Bill8 Characters (8 numeric)12345678
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd*Account No. with billing organisation as shown on statement8 Digits 
SP Services*Utilities Contract Account No. as shown at the top right section of the utilities invoice10 Characters
(9 Digits 1 Alphanumeric)
1234567890 / 123456789-
StarHub Ltd*Account No. with StarHub Ltd as displayed on your right hand corner of your billNumeric with decimals, ending with a letter.Eg: 1.12345678A
Sembcorp Power Pte Ltd*Account No. with Sembcorp Power Pte Ltd as displayed on statement/invoice10 Characters
(1 Uppercase alphabet & 9 digits)
H123456782 / B000000018
Sunseap Energy Pte LtdSunseap Account number as shown on top right of your invoice.Sunseap Account number as shown on top right of your invoice.23012345
Union Power Pte LtdMSSL Number10 Digits / 13 Digits9308014458

Town Councils
Billing OrganisationBill Reference NumberField LengthExample
ALJUNIED-HOUGANG TCReference number (11-digit) shown on Statement.12 characters (1 Alphabet and 11 Digits)C00987654321
Marine Parade Town CouncilReference No. as show on statement12 Characters (1 Alphabet 11 Digits)C12345678900