Scan & Pay

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between scanning a NETS Static QR code vs NETS Dynamic QR code?
Static QR CodeDynamic QR Code
After the user scans the NETS QR code, he/she will be prompted to enter the amount payable.User only needs to scan the NETS QR code to make payment. (No need to enter amount payable)
How to Scan & Pay with DBS digibank on a NETS Terminal?

When making a purchase at a merchant which accepts NETS QR Code transactions, a digibank user simply needs to:

  1. Click on Scan & Pay icon on the Home Screen to activate the QR Code Scanner. The customer will be authenticated via fingerprint and soft token*.
  2. Verify the payment details reflected on the NETS terminal or the receipt.
  3. Scan the QR Code on the NETS terminal or the receipt.

Once successful, a confirmation screen will appear on your digibank app and you will receive a confirmation SMS.

*If the customer has not registered for soft token, he or she has to add One Time Password received via SMS

What is my daily transfer limit for Scan & Pay?

There will be 2 different daily limits for Scan & Pay, if you scan:

  1. NETS QR: Your daily limit is capped at S$999. You can set and adjust the daily transaction limit by logging into digibank app and tap on More > Manage Scan & Pay.
  2. PayNow QR: Your daily limit follows your “Transfer To Other banks” daily limit. You can set and adjust the daily transaction limit by logging into digibank app and tap on More > Local Transfer Limit > To Other Banks.
What source accounts can I use for Scan & Pay?

From 10 March 2024, you will no longer be able to use DBS PayLah! as your source of funds when you Scan & Pay via our digibank app.

Only DBS/POSB current/saving accounts can be used as source of funds for Scan & Pay transaction. You can change the default source of funds by logging into digibank app and tap on More > Manage Scan & Pay.

Can I set one of my source accounts as default source account for Scan & Pay?

When you are using Scan & Pay for first time, you will be asked to choose source account for first time and that will be set as a default account for Scan & Pay. You can change default account for Scan & Pay by tapping on More > Manage Scan & Pay.

How secure is a NETS QR transactions?

A QR transaction is as secure as a NETS EFTPOS card & PIN transaction. The payment is processed via the scanning of a unique QR Code, on the digibank app, which is dynamically generated for every new transaction. Additionally, users have to log in to digibank app via fingerprint or password login each time to effect a QR Code payment.

How do I deactivate digibank Scan & Pay service?

You may delete the app to deactivate the service.

Are there any fees associated with using Scan & Pay?

There are no fees associated with using Scan & Pay, as of November 2017.

Terms and Conditions

Are there any Terms and Conditions I need to agree to in order to use the Scan & Pay service?

By making payment using Scan & Pay, you agree to the Terms and Conditions Governing Accounts, Terms and Conditions Governing Electronic Services and the specific terms and conditions set out in the abovementioned FAQs.