Interest Rate Charges for Euro, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen and Danish Krone Balances


With effect from 3 October 2022, interest rate charges for Euro (EUR), Swiss
Franc (CHF) and Danish Krone (DKK) Corporate Current Account credit balances will be revised as follows:

Currency End-of-day Balance Interest rate (p.a.) End-of-day Balance Interest rate (p.a.)
Effective till 2 October 2022 Effective from 3 October 2022
EUR EUR 25,000 and below 0% Whole balance 0%
Above EUR 25,000 -0.50%
CHF CHF 25,000 and below 0% Whole balance 0%
Above CHF 25,000 -0.50%
DKK DKK 10,000,000 and below 0% Whole balance 0%
Above DKK 10,000,000 -0.35%


Currency End-of-day Balance Interest rate (p.a.)
Effective from 1 February 2022
JPY JPY 3,000,000 and below 0%
Above JPY 3,000,000 to JPY 1.5 Billion -0.50%
  For end-of-day balances that are above JPY 1.5 Billion, please check with your Relationship Manager for the applicable daily moving rate.

You will see the negative credit interest amount with the transaction code “ODINT” in the account statement. Please note that this transaction will combine the credit interest charge amount and any overdraft charge.

Get in touch
For further queries:


From overseas: +65 6222 2200
In Singapore: 1800 222 2200
Operating hours: 8.30am to 8.30pm, Mon - Fri (excluding PH)

or speak to your Relationship Managers.