DBS Equilibrium Exchange Rate


Strategy to produce consistent positive
returns with currency convergence


Strategy to produce consistent positive
returns with currency convergence

At a Glance

The DBS Equilibrium Exchange Rate (DEER) Strategy provides additional diversification benefits by giving medium to long term investors an opportunity to profit from currency misalignments that should correct with time.



Recommendations are based on DEER Valuation Model developed by DBS Group Research. Data is meticulously gathered, thoroughly analysed and constantly monitored, which are made publicly available.



A DEER valuation report is published every quarter detailing the recommendations for the quarter ahead, along with commentary for the performance of the quarter that passed.

Market Neutral

Market Neutral

Strategy is agnostic to markets moves and expected to return positive performances over the long term.


What is DEER Strategy?

Comprising 8 major liquid currencies, the DEER Strategy seeks to produce consistent positive returns as currencies converge to their fair values in the medium to long term horizon.

For more details, refer to the Fact Sheet here.


Get in Touch
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From overseas: +65 6222 2200
In Singapore: 1800 222 2200
Operating hours: 8.30am to 8.30pm, Mon - Fri (excluding PH)

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