digiPortfolio Terms and Conditions

General and Definitions

1. General


When you choose to invest in a digiPortfolio offered by DBS Bank Ltd (“DBS”), you are required to open a Discretionary Account (as defined below) with DBS. You will also need to appoint DBS to serve as the investment manager of such account and to provide you with the required discretionary investment management services.


The holdings of your digiPortfolio will be held in the custody of DBS or a Nominee (as defined below) appointed by DBS.


These Terms and Conditions shall apply to Discretionary Accounts opened with DBS. By accessing and using the Platform (as defined below), you agree to be governed by these terms and conditions, as well as the Terms and Conditions Governing Electronic Services

2. Definitions


“Affiliate” of DBS refers to a corporation which in relation to DBS is a holding company or a subsidiary or a subsidiary of any such holding company or a corporation (or a subsidiary of a corporation) where at least one-fifth of the issued equity share capital of which is beneficially owned by DBS;

“Additional Investment Amount” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 3.1;

“Agent” means any agent, correspondent, broker, dealer, counterparty, adviser, bank, attorney, custodian, sub-custodian, depository, depository agent, manager, assayer, refiner, service provider or Nominee selected or used by us, whether in Singapore or elsewhere, and may include any of our Affiliates.

“Business Day” means any day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks in Singapore are open for business or such other day or days as DBS may from time to time determine;

“Client Accounts” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 9.2;

“Commencement Date” means the next Business Day following DBS’ receipt of the Initial Investment Amount in the Discretionary Account;

“Custody Terms” means the terms and conditions relating to custody of any investments in the Portfolio we hold on your behalf as contained in Schedule 2 of these Terms and Conditions;

“Banking and Investment Services Agreement” means:

  1. Where You are a customer of DBS Private Bank or DBS Treasures Private Client, the private banking and investment services agreement entered into between You and DBS, comprising, among other things, the general risk disclosure statement and the private bank terms and conditions governing private banking accounts and services;
  2. Where You are a DBS Treasures customer, the DBS Treasures Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions Governing Investment Products and other additional terms and conditions governing electronic services and accounts which You may have with DBS and/or services (financial or non-financial) made available by DBS to You; or
  3. Where You are not a customer of DBS Private Bank, DBS Treasures Private Client or Treasures, the Terms and Conditions Governing Investments in Funds and other additional terms and conditions governing accounts which You may have with DBS and/or services (financial or non-financial) made available by DBS to You.

“DBS Privacy Policy” means such data policies, notices and/or other communications issued by us from time to time in relation to personal data provided by You or otherwise collected by DBS.

“Discretionary Account” means the account opened with DBS via the Platform in Your name in respect of which You wish to appoint DBS as investment manager and to provide portfolio or discretionary investment management services;

“Force Majeure” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 18;

“Risk Disclosure Statements” mean the General Risk Disclosure Statement and Risk Disclosure Statement on Custody Services contained in schedule 2 of these Terms and Conditions.

“GST” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 10.4;

“Initial Investment Amount” means the initial sum deposited by You in the Discretionary Account;

“Management Fee” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 10.1;

“Nominee” means DBS Nominees (Pte) Ltd and any other nominee(s) appointed by us or our agents on our behalf from time to time or any of them.

"Platform” means the system, platform, website and/or channel where You open and maintain the Discretionary Account and select the Investment Policy;

“Portfolio” or “digiPortfolio” means the model portfolio type selected by You in the Platform which DBS will provide its discretionary portfolio investment management services;

“SGD or S$” means the lawful currency of Singapore;

“Tax” has the same meaning as defined in Clause 10.6;

“Terms and Conditions Governing Investments in Funds” means the terms and conditions located at https://www.dbs.com.sg/iwov-resources/pdf/governing-investment-in-funds-tnc;

“US Person” means a person as defined in Rule 902(k) under the United States Securities Act of 1933.

“You” means any person operating a Discretionary Account with DBS.

Appointment of DBS, Permission to DBS and Duties of DBS

3. Appointment of DBS


You appoint DBS to have the full discretion to manage, invest and re-invest the Portfolio. DBS accepts such appointment and agrees to assume the obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions provided that You deposit or credit the Discretionary Account with the Initial Investment Amount. You may deposit or credit additional sums to the Discretionary Account (the “Additional Investment Amount”).


The services provided by DBS in these Terms and Conditions are in respect of the Discretionary Account and the Portfolio only and shall not extend to any other accounts or portfolios which You may maintain from time to time with DBS.


DBS may from time to time assign or delegate the whole or any part of its duties under these Terms and Conditions to any delegate in accordance with Clause 23.3 below.

4. Permission to DBS


You give DBS permission to carry out the following as and when DBS deems appropriate and without prior consultation with You:


act on Your account of and at Your risk, make and implement such investment decisions as DBS may, in its absolute discretion from time to time, think fit (save for tax related matters and matters requiring the disclosure of Your identity (in which case, express consent from You will be sought), perform and undertake all transactions and investments necessary or useful for the management of the Portfolio, which includes rebalancing the Portfolio;


independently sign on Your behalf all documents customarily required in connection with opening accounts with brokers, banks or other parties to carry out transactions pertaining to the Portfolio and at DBS’ discretion, the accounts may be opened on a pooled basis, provided that DBS opens such accounts and signs such documentation on the basis that the accounts are segregated from DBS’ own assets;


collect dividends, interest (if any) and other returns in respect of the Portfolio and the proceeds of any realisation thereof and exercise any subscription, conversion and other rights at DBS’ discretion with respect to the Portfolio;


exercise any rights to vote attached to any holdings forming part of the Portfolio as DBS deems fit; and


do all such things as may be required or as DBS may deem reasonably necessary or desirable for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, for and on Your behalf, in the reasonable performance of its duties and in the exercise of its powers under these Terms and Conditions.

5. Duties of DBS


DBS shall manage the Portfolio. DBS shall be indemnified by You in accordance with Clause 19.2 and, shall not be liable for any act or omission in the course of or in connection with the services rendered by it under these Terms and Conditions in accordance with Clause 19.3.


DBS may, but shall be under no obligation to, aggregate the investments to be sold or purchased for its clients in order to obtain a more favourable price or lower brokerage, commission and efficient execution so long as there is overall benefit to the Portfolio or You. In such an event, allocation of investments so sold or purchased, as well as the expenses incurred in the transaction, will be made by DBS in the manner DBS considers to be the most equitable and consistent with its obligations to and in the best interests of all its clients and shall be in accordance with its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions.


DBS may, but is not obliged to, provide You with separate statements, reports, information or advice relating to the Discretionary Account and Portfolio and if DBS does so, such statements, reports, information or advice shall be provided in such frequency and in such format as DBS may determine. You may, however, access statements, reports, information or advice relating to the Discretionary Account and Portfolio using the Platform.


Each transaction and investment undertaken by DBS in the performance of its duties and in exercise of its powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the constitution, rules, regulations, by-laws of any stock exchanges, clearing houses, securities trading or central depository systems or regulatory authorities.


DBS may collaborate with other parties such as fund managers (the “Partner”) on asset allocation strategies and model portfolios when managing the Portfolio, and the Portfolio may comprise funds from the Partner. The ultimate discretion in the determination of the Solutions lies with DBS. In respect of this collaboration and the Solutions, you do not have recourse against the Partner.  For avoidance of doubt, DBS, and not the Partner is the provider of the Portfolio and you will be a client of DBS.

Platform Use and Restrictions

6. Platform Use and Restrictions

You agree that you will not and, will not permit a third party to:


modify, disclose, alter, translate or create derivative works of the Platform;


license, sublicense, resell, distribute, lease, rent, lend, transfer or otherwise assign your access to the Platform;


disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Platform;


use the Platform to store or transmit material that is infringing, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, or violates third-party privacy rights;


use the Platform to store or transmit any viruses, software routines or other code designed to permit unauthorized access, to disable, erase or otherwise harm software, hardware or data, or to perform any other harmful actions;


copy, reproduce, frame or mirror any part or content of the Platform;


access the Platform in order to build a competitive product or service, or copy any features or functions of the Platform;


interfere with the security related features of the Platform or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Platform;


attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Platform or related systems or networks;


remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notices in or on the Platform;


upload, provide or make available on the Platform any information that You do not have the right to provide or make available or which otherwise infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party; or


use the Platform in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.


In certain situations, we may have to suspend the Platform without giving you prior notice. Under such circumstances, we will not be responsible for any inconvenience, loss, damage or injury suffered by you or any third party.

Your Representations and Warranties

7. Your Representations and Warranties


You have the power and the capacity to enter into, exercise your rights and to perform and comply with your obligations under these Terms and Conditions and such power and capacity is not limited by any bankruptcy or similar situation;


You are and will remain the beneficial owner of the Portfolio free from all encumbrances (save for encumbrances created in accordance with Clause 7.3 below);


You will not pledge, mortgage, charge, grant any option over or otherwise encumber, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of, Portfolio or any interest in the Portfolio unless expressly consented to by DBS;


You have all the necessary authority and approvals to enter into these Terms and Conditions and to deposit the Initial Investment Amount and the Additional Investment Amount (if any) for management by DBS under these Terms and Conditions;


You are not a US Person;


You have complied with and will continue to comply with all laws, rules and regulations or court and governmental orders by which You are bound whether in Singapore or otherwise or to which You are subject in connection with the execution and performance of these Terms and Conditions;


You have the experience necessary to evaluate and understand the financial, investment and other risks involved in the investment of the Portfolio (as set out under Clause 8 below).


You shall notify DBS immediately if any of the representations set forth above or elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions shall no longer continue to be true and correct.

Your Acknowledgements

8. Your Acknowledgements

You acknowledge and confirm that:


The information in this Platform is for information only and does not constitute or form part of any offer, or recommendation or have any regard to Your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs.


Where You have chosen not to obtain financial advice from us for any Portfolio, You will not be able to rely on Section 36 of the Financial Advisers Act to make any civil claim against DBS if you experience a loss on the Portfolio.


If you receive advice from us, you must select the Portfolio that was recommended to you. If you choose not to do so, you will be deemed to be investing in the Portfolio on your own decision and Clause 8.2 above applies.


You agree that you will not have any role or right to make investment decisions, except for making contributions or withdrawals from the Discretionary Account and the selection of the Portfolio.


You fully understand this Clause 8 and are fully aware that there may be unquantifiable risks involved in the investments to be made by DBS in the performance of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions and that the value of the Portfolio may increase or decrease.


DBS neither guarantees nor makes any representation or warranty concerning the performance of the Portfolio or the repayment of capital. Past performance of the Portfolio or any of the investments in the Portfolio is not necessarily indicative of future performance. In particular, DBS cannot and does not guarantee that it will not lose the Initial Investment Amount or the Additional Investment Amount (if any) or that any actions DBS has or has not taken in connection with the investment and management of the Portfolio will not result in any loss to the value of the Portfolio.


The allocation of assets within Your Portfolio may differ from the model portfolio displayed on the Platform due to factors that may affect the transaction (including but not limited to foreign exchange rates).


You will not be entitled to any “free look periods” for the Portfolio.


We may, at our absolute discretion hold the investments in your Portfolio together with other investments purchased for other customers on an aggregate or omnibus basis.

Where your investments are held in this manner, the cash component of your Portfolio will not be insured under the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation and we are not obliged to pay interest on such cash component of your Portfolio.


In the event that DBS is restricted from investing in certain securities due to applicable laws and regulations or investment restrictions placed on DBS, DBS shall not be required to notify You of such restrictions and will not, in accordance with Clause 19.3, be liable to You for any act or omission in the course of or in connection with its decision not to invest in certain securities or for any loss or damage which You may sustain or suffer as a result of such decision.


In the event that:


You are restricted from investing in certain securities due to applicable laws and regulations or investment restrictions placed on You;


DBS restricts You from investing in certain securities due to applicable laws and regulations or investment restrictions placed on You; or


DBS is otherwise unable to invest in certain securities due to exchange related failures or restrictions

DBS shall be entitled to deviate from the Portfolio to remove the affected securities when investing or reinvesting the Portfolio and the affected securities shall remain as a cash allocation retained in Your Discretionary Account.

Dealings by DBS

9. Dealings by DBS


We shall be acting as an agent in respect of all Your investment in the Portfolio(s). You are therefore principally liable for, and shall assume all risks associated with all transactions on Your Portfolio(s) investments, notwithstanding that such transactions may have been undertaken in our name without disclosure of such agency.


Nothing herein contained shall prevent DBS or its affiliates from buying, holding and dealing in any investments for its own account or for the accounts of its other clients or customers (“Client Accounts”) notwithstanding that such investments or similar investments may be held by or for the Portfolio.


Nothing herein contained shall prevent the DBS or its affiliates from buying, holding and dealing in any investments for its own account or for other Client Accounts notwithstanding that such investment decisions are contrary to or conflicting with the DBS’ decisions in relation to the Portfolio in accordance with the Investment Policy. You acknowledge that the investment decisions made by the DBS or its affiliates in such circumstances shall be separate and independent of any investment decisions made by the DBS in relation to the Portfolio as a result of and pursuant to the DBS’ conflict of interest policies (including, but not limited to, having in place the appropriate Chinese walls).


Nothing herein contained shall oblige the DBS to reveal its own purchase, holdings, dealings in any investments for its own account or for other Client Accounts.

Management Fee

10. Management Fee


As consideration for performing the services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, DBS shall be entitled to receive for its own account a non-refundable management fee (“Management Fee”). For the avoidance of doubt, the Management Fee is separate from the fund management fee charged by the underlying funds, which are reflected in their net asset value.


The Management Fee shall be calculated daily using the rate determined by DBS and notified to You on the Platform and based on the daily Portfolio value on a 365/366-day year. The Management Fee shall remain payable by You notwithstanding any notice to terminate these Terms and Conditions pursuant to Clause 14.


The Management Fee will be deducted automatically from the Discretionary Account on the last Business Day of each calendar year. In the event that the Discretionary Account does not have sufficient cash equivalent to the Management Fee to be deducted, DBS shall, at its sole discretion, be entitled to:


dispose of, transfer and realise some or all holdings and deduct the Management Fee from the proceeds of such disposal, transfer or realisation;You are restricted from investing in certain securities due to applicable laws and regulations or investment restrictions placed on You;


deduct the Management Fee from any account(s) that You maintain with DBS; or


send you a demand for payment of the Management Fee and the Management Fee shall be paid by you immediately upon such demand from us.


All fees payable to DBS are exclusive of and net of any goods and services tax (“GST”) or other applicable sales tax, governmental impositions, duties and levies whatsoever, whether imposed in Singapore or elsewhere. Where any GST is payable in connection with the services rendered by DBS pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, such GST shall be paid out of the Portfolio.


All payments to be made under these Terms and Conditions to DBS shall be made without any set-off, deduction or counterclaim.


The fees payable to DBS under these Terms and Conditions shall be paid free and clear of and (except to the extent required by law) without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any taxes imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by or within any country/region (“Tax”). If You must at any time deduct or withhold any Tax on any of the fees which DBS is entitled to be paid under these Terms and Conditions, You shall pay to DBS and/or DBS shall be entitled to deduct such additional amount as is necessary to ensure that DBS receives and retains (after payment of such Tax) a net sum equal to what it would have received and retained as fees under these Terms and Conditions had such Tax not been payable.


Without prejudice to anything in this Clause 10, any retrocessions or rebates received by DBS from a product provider and/or fund house in connection with DBS’ investment decisions in the Portfolio (“Retrocessions”), shall be retained by DBS. You shall not be entitled to and waive any right and claim to such Retrocessions.


With respect to Clause 5.5 above, when you choose to invest in the Portfolio, you acknowledge and accept that:


DBS will receive the Management Fee from you. Solely in recognition of the Partner’s efforts, DBS may pay the Partner fees up to a certain percentage of the Management Fee which will be disclosed to you;


The Partner does not receive any fees directly from you;


At the fund level, certain fees may be received from fund investors and these are set out in each fund offering documents; and


The consumer banking arm of DBS may have a distribution agreement with the Partner to distribute the Partner’s funds and would also receive fees. Other business divisions may have various arrangements with the Partner.

Disclosure of Information and Data Privacy

11. Disclosure of Information and Data Privacy


You shall provide DBS with and agree to the disclosure of such information as DBS may require from time to time in relation to the Discretionary Account and/or the Portfolio and/or You, including, but not limited to, information required by DBS to enable DBS to comply with any relevant law (including, but not limited to, Singapore anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism laws, regulations, notices and guidelines and the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act, Chapter 65A of Singapore), to satisfy any other requirements or to avoid any penalties under any other law in relation to the Discretionary Account, the Portfolio and/or You.


The DBS Privacy Policy, as may be amended, supplemented and/or substituted from time to time, is incorporated by reference into and forms part of these Terms and Conditions and shall apply to all personal data that You provide to DBS or that DBS has obtained from any other sources or that arises from Your relationship with DBS and its affiliates. The DBS Privacy Policy is available at http://www.dbs.com/privacy.


You hereby consent to DBS’ collection, use, disclosure and processing of Your personal data in accordance with the DBS Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions.


If You provide DBS with the personal data of any individual, You consent on behalf of that individual whose personal data You provided to DBS’ collection, use, disclosure and processing of personal data in accordance with the DBS Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions. You warrant that You have obtained that individual’s prior consent to such collection, use, disclosure and processing of his/her personal data by DBS and that the personal data that You provide to DBS is true, accurate and complete.


In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the DBS Privacy Policy, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


Any consent given by You pursuant to these Terms and Conditions in relation to personal data shall survive Your death, incapacity, bankruptcy or insolvency, as the case may be, and the termination of these Terms and Conditions.

Contributions and Withdrawals

12. Contributions and Withdrawals


You may, during the term of the Discretionary Account, submit instructions via the Platform for contributions into the Discretionary Account or withdrawals from the Discretionary Account.


While DBS will try to execute your instructions in a timely manner, DBS may not always be able to execute your instruction at any specific time or on the same Business Day, even if your instruction is accepted within the cut-off time. This may be due to various constraints, including but not limited to any requirement under Applicable Laws governing anti-money laundering and prevention of fraud.


DBS can decline to act on any instruction if:

  1. the instruction cannot be processed due to suspension of the Platform;
  2. we reasonably believe that you have breached your representatives and warranties as laid out in Clause 8;
  3. a prior instruction you submitted has not been executed; and
  4. DBS is carrying out rebalancing on your Portfolio. DBS shall not be liable as a result of such refusal to act, including loss of investment opportunity which you may suffer or incur as a result of any refusal or delay in acting on your instructions.

DBS shall not be liable as a result of such refusal to act, including loss of investment opportunity which you may suffer or incur as a result of any refusal or delay in acting on your instructions.


DBS reserves the right not to grant Your request for withdrawals if the amount to be withdrawn results in the value of the Portfolio falling below the minimum investment amount determined by DBS and notified to you on the Platform..


In the event that You make withdrawals from the Discretionary Account amounting to more than 90% of the value of the Portfolio, DBS shall be entitled, at its full discretion, to terminate the Discretionary Account immediately following which clauses 14.5 shall apply.


You acknowledge that due to various constraints, we may not always be able to sell the investments in the Portfolio to make up the Portfolio value quoted to You at any specific time. You agree to accept and be bound by the outcome.


13. Death


In the event of Your death, DBS will suspend its performance of its duties and obligations under these Terms and Conditions once notified of Your death until further instructed by Your executor(s) or the administrator(s). DBS shall act on the requests, applications or instructions of Your executor(s) or the administrator(s), who shall be similarly bound by the terms of these Terms and Conditions, and in so acting shall be entitled to be reimbursed for any costs and expenses incurred in complying with the requests, applications or instructions of such executor(s) or administrator(s) and shall not be liable for any claims or demands whatsoever by the Your heirs.


DBS shall not, in the absence of fraud on the part of DBS be liable to You, Your executor(s) or administrator(s) for any losses incurred (to the Portfolio or otherwise) as a result or in the course of the suspension pursuant to Clause 13.1 above.


Your executor(s) or the administrator(s) shall be the only persons recognised by DBS as having title to the Discretionary Account.

Suspension and Termination

14. Suspension and Termination

DBS Right to Terminate


DBS may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend Your access to the Platform or Discretionary Account at any time without notice to You. DBS reserves the right to investigate any suspected violation of these Terms and Conditions.


DBS shall be entitled to suspend the conduct of its duties under these Terms and Conditions, resign its appointment in any manner it deems fit, and/or to terminate and close the Discretionary Account without any consultation with You:


if any step is taken by any person with a view to Your bankruptcy or for the appointment of a receiver, trustee, administrator or similar officer of You or over any part of Your assets;


if it has reasonably determined that it has become illegal for DBS to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions or DBS is no longer able to carry on its business in compliance with the licensing requirements (or the conditions of any licensing exemption) in Singapore;


if You shall fail, within 30 calendar days upon receipt of notice served by DBS requiring You so to do within such reasonable period, to make good any material breach of Your obligations under these Terms and Conditions and (if such breach shall be capable of remedy); or


after giving 7 calendar days’ written notice in writing to You.

Your Right to Terminate


You shall be entitled to terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time by giving DBS written notice and paying DBS all outstanding amounts due and payable.

Consequences of Termination


Upon the resignation of DBS and/or termination of these Terms and Conditions pursuant to Clauses 14.1 or 14.2 respectively, DBS shall:


cease to make new investments, unless the transaction was properly entered into prior to the resignation of DBS and/or the termination of these Terms and Conditions.


have the right to dispose of, transfer and realise the Portfolio and distribute the entire proceeds of such disposal, transfer or realisation to Your designated account with DBS and/or in such manner as DBS may, in its discretion, deem fit;


without prejudice to Clause 10, be entitled to receive and be reimbursed for all fees, expenses and other moneys accrued and due up to the date of closure of the Discretionary Account which shall be deducted, without notice to You, from the Discretionary Account, the equivalent amounts in satisfaction thereof; and


not be held responsible in any way for any losses, damages or liabilities that may be incurred or suffered by You or in respect of the Portfolio as a result of such resignation of DBS and/or such termination of these Terms and Conditions and the subsequent liquidation of the Portfolio.


Upon the final distribution of all proceeds of the sale of the Portfolio to You, these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be terminated and the Discretionary Account shall be closed..

Specific Terms and Conditions governing custodial and nominee services and General Risk Disclosure Statement

15. Specific Terms and Conditions governing custodial and nominee services and General Risk Disclosure Statement


Where your Portfolio includes overseas-listed investment products, You acknowledge that You have received a copy of the risk warning statement set out in Schedule 1 and understand its contents.


You acknowledge that You have received a copy of the General Risk Disclosure Statement and Risk Disclosure Statement on Custody Services set out in Schedule 2 of these Terms and Conditions. The Risk Disclosure Statements are important documents which You should read carefully. By accessing and using digiPortfolio, you are deemed to have accepted and understood the risks in the Risk Disclosure Statements.


You will be subject to the Custody Terms set out in Schedule 3 of these Terms and Conditions.


Where You are a customer of DBS Private Bank, DBS Treasures Private Client or DBS Treasures, You continue to be bound by the custody terms and the risk disclosure statements contained in the respective Banking and Investment Services Agreements (“Respective Agreements”). In the event of any inconsistency between Schedules 2 and 3 of these Terms and Conditions and the Respective Agreements, the Respective Agreements shall prevail.


16. Non-Exclusivity

The services of DBS pursuant to these Terms and Conditions are not to be deemed exclusive and DBS shall be free to render similar services to others so long as its services, duties and obligations under these Terms and Conditions are not impaired thereby.


17. Taxation


You agree to be bound by the terms relating to tax requirements (“Tax Terms”) which forms part of these Terms and Conditions and which may be amended, supplemented and/or substituted by the Bank from time to time.


You shall pay or reimburse DBS from time to time on demand for any taxes (including, but not limited to, GST or value added taxes or similar taxes or duties) payable upon transfers, exchanges or deliveries made under these Terms and Conditions of any rights or property comprised of or to be comprised in the Portfolio.


We may withhold tax on your earnings or proceeds from your investments in accordance with Applicable Laws if you are a non-resident. For the purpose of withholding tax, a joint account would be considered to be an account held by non-residents if one or more of the joint account holders is a non-resident. You must inform us immediately if your tax residence or status changes. We shall process such notification of change within a reasonable period of time (of not less than seven (7) Business Days from receipt).


You acknowledge and agree that we do not provide any tax advisory or tax reclamation services. With reference to Clause 17.3, we reserve the right not to apply reduced treaty rates even if you a recipient of income sourced from a country/region which has a double tax treaty with the country/region you are a tax resident of.


For the avoidance of doubt, DBS is not responsible for any of Your obligation or requirement (statutory or otherwise) in respect of taxes (including, but not limited to, GST or value added taxes or similar taxes or duties), in particular any obligation or requirement for You to file any return, claim or notification with any tax authority, or any obligation or requirement for You to issue any invoice, receipt or other document to any other person for any tax purposes.

Force Majeure

18. Force Majeure

No party shall be liable for delay in any performance or for failure to render any performance under these Terms and Conditions, when such delay or failure is caused by governmental action, government policies which are directly related to acts or omissions of any government, government agency, provincial or local authorities or similar authorities, any laws or regulations having the force of law, administrative or court injunction, fire, mass civil strife or commotion, war, riots, insurrection, sabotage, flood, act of God, storm, fire, epidemic or any other cause or causes whether of like or different nature beyond the reasonable control of the parties herein (any of such events hereinafter referred to as “Force Majeure”). Any party claiming Force Majeure shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate the damage as much as possible and as soon as possible. If an event of Force Majeure prevents the performance by a party of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions for more than 30 consecutive calendar days, then either Party shall be entitled to terminate these Terms and Conditions on the giving of ten (10) calendar days’ prior written notice to that effect and in accordance with Clause 14.4 above.

Exclusion of Liabilities and Indemnity

19. Exclusion of Liabilities and Indemnity


You, as sole beneficial owner of all investments delivered or to be delivered to DBS, hereby indemnify and hold harmless DBS from and against all proper costs and expenses and liabilities resulting from the fact, if applicable, that any such investments are registered in the name of DBS, its nominees or such other name as may be necessary in certain countries/regions for the investments acquired in those countries/regions, except in the case of fraud on the part of DBS in connection with its performance of its obligations or duties under these Terms and Conditions.


You agree to indemnify DBS (and will not hold DBS liable) from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses (including, but not limited to, any losses You may incur in connection with DBS’ investment and management of the Portfolio), damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud on the part of DBS) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against DBS in performing its obligations or duties under these Terms and Conditions.


DBS shall not, in the absence of fraud on the part of DBS, be liable to You for any act or omission in the course of or in connection with the services rendered by it under these Terms and Conditions or for any loss or damage which You may sustain or suffer as a result or in the course of the discharge by DBS of its duties under these Terms and Conditions or pursuant thereto. DBS shall be entitled to receive and act upon any advice of counsel and shall be without liability for any action taken or thing done in good faith in reliance upon such advice.


20. Notice

Any notice to be given under these Terms and Conditions shall be in writing and shall be served in accordance with the relevant provisions set out in the Banking and Investment Services Agreements.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions

21. Amendment of Terms and Conditions

DBS may alter, change, supplement or amend the terms of these Terms and Conditions at any time by giving you notice. For purposes of Clause 20, the notice may be given to you by exhibiting such notice of the amendments or making available a set of the revised Terms and Conditions on our websites or on the Platform. Such alteration, change, supplement or amendment shall take effect from the date specified in such notice

Severability and Waiver

22. Severability and Waiver


Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and such prohibition or unenforceability shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions nor affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.


The waiver by either party of a breach by the other party of an obligation or provision of these Terms and Conditions will not operate as a waiver of another or continuing breach by the other party of the same or any other obligation or provision of these Terms and Conditions.


No failure or delay on the part of any party in exercising any power or right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of such right or power preclude any other or further exercise of any other right or power hereunder.


The rights and remedies provided in these Terms and Conditions are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

Assignment and Delegation

23. Assignment and Delegation


These Terms and Conditions shall benefit and be binding on the parties, their permitted assignees and their respective successors. Any reference in these Terms and Conditions to either party shall be construed accordingly.


Subject to Clause 23.3 below, neither You nor DBS may assign or transfer all or any rights, obligations or benefits under these Terms and Conditions to any other person without the prior written consent of the other party.


DBS may from time to time assign and/or delegate all or part of its rights and/or transfer all or part of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions to a delegate (which may or may not be an affiliate of DBS) without Your prior written consent, subject to DBS’ overall responsibility, control and supervision.


Notwithstanding any delegation, assignment and/or appointment by DBS of any delegate pursuant to Clause 23.3 above, the rights, responsibilities and obligations of DBS under these Terms and Conditions shall remain unaffected, and all acts or omissions of any delegate or assignee shall be taken as that of DBS. You agree that You shall not hold any delegate liable for any act or omission of the delegate or take any legal action against the delegate.

Entire Agreement, Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act and Governing Law

24. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions embodies all the terms and conditions agreed upon between the parties as regards the provision of portfolio management services by DBS on this Platform and cancels in all respects all previous agreements and undertakings between the parties relating to the provision of such services whether such be written or oral save for the Banking and Investment Services Agreements, which terms shall not be superseded by the terms of these Terms and Conditions, but in the event of any conflict, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

25. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act

Save for Clause 23.4, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, shall not apply to these Terms and Conditions and any person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall have no right whatsoever to enforce these Terms and Conditions.

26. Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are subject to the laws of Singapore. You agree to submit to the non- exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Singapore for the settlement of any dispute in relation to these Terms and Conditions.