Get ready for a cashback galore unlike any others as a DBS PayLah!-CapitaStar linked member!
From now to 31 December 2024, link your CapitaStar account on DBS PayLah! to activate your progress bar. Earn 1,000 STAR$® and one stamp for every spend of min. S$30 made with DBS/POSB payments modes at all participating properties.
What’s more – receive BONUS STAR$® on your 5th, 10th, and 15th stamps:
- 2,000 BONUS STAR$® on the 5th stamp
- 2,500 BONUS STAR$® on the 10th stamp
- 3,000 BONUS STAR$® on the 15th stamp
Start your progress bar on your CapitaStar app now!
Click here to learn more on how to link your CapitaStar app with your DBS PayLah!
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