Overseas-Listed Investment Products (RWS) FAQ
    Overseas-Listed Investment Products (RWS) FAQ

    What are the Overseas Listed Investment Products that are re-classified as Excluded Investment Products ("EIPs")?

    Overseas Listed Investment Products that are re-classified as EIPs are as below:

    • Ordinary Shares;
    • Preference Shares;
    • Deferred Shares;
    • Fully Paid Depository Receipts representing shares (e.g. ADRs);
    • Subscription Rights and;
    • Real Estate Trust.

    For Overseas Listed Investment Products (e.g. ETFs) customers are required to complete both the Risk Warning Statement ("RWS") acknowledgement and Customer Account Review ("CAR") declaration.

    What is Risk Warning Statement ("RWS")?

    The Risk Warning Statement highlights the key risks that customers should be aware of when trading Overseas Listed Investment Products, such as:

    • Level of investor protection and safeguards afforded in the relevant foreign jurisdiction;
    • Differences between the legal systems in the foreign jurisdiction and Singapore;
    • Tax implications, currency risks, and additional transaction costs that may be incurred;
    • Exposure to counterparty and correspondent broker risks;
    • Political, economic and social developments that may influence the overseas markets;

    These and other risks may affect the value of investment and customers need to understand them before they trade in Overseas Listed Investment Products.

    How will the Risk Warning Statement affect retail investors like me?

    All retail customers, including Primary Account Holders, Joint Account Holders and Mandates, are required to read carefully and acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement if they wish to trade in any of the Overseas Listed Investment Products.

    This requirement applies to all Overseas Listed Investment Products regardless of whether the customer has or has not been deemed to possess the relevant knowledge/ experience pursuant to a CAR assessment.

    When do I need to acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement, should I wish to trade Overseas Listed Investment Products?
    All customers are required to acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement before trading in Overseas Listed Investment Products. You are strongly encouraged to read carefully and acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement early to avoid any disruption to your trading activities.
    How can I submit my acknowledgement of the Risk Warning Statement?

    The primary account holder, joint account Holder (if any) and mandate(s) (if any) can submit their acknowledgement of RWS online.

    Log in to your DBS Vickers online trading account via DBS/POSB iBanking. Acknowledge receipt of the Risk Warning Statement by going to "My Account > Account Management > Overseas Listed Investment Products".

    Can I still sell my existing holdings of Overseas Listed Investment Products if I do not acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement?
    You can still liquidate/close out your existing holdings of Overseas Listed Investment Products if you do not acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement. However, you will need to acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement if you wish to purchase any Overseas Listed Investment Product(s).
    If I have multiple trading accounts with DBS Vickers, do I need to acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement for every trading account?
    The primary account holder only needs to acknowledge the Risk Warning Statement once and the acknowledgement will be applied to all the Individual trading accounts that he/she has maintained with DBS Vickers. However, the joint account holder (if any) and mandate(s) (if any) are required to acknowledge all Risk Warning Statement for the trading account(s) that they are authorised to operate.