Evaluating Commodity Swap

Commodities Liquidity Swaps

Hedge your market position and ensure a stable
lock-in price for underlying commodities

Commodities Liquidity Swaps

Hedge your market position and ensure a stable
lock-in price for underlying commodities

At a Glance

Exchange for Swaps (EFS) allows you to reduce funding requirements for the initial and variation margins required in holding a futures position with exchanges.  

Protect your business during increased market volatility and hedge against large variation margin calls that can cause considerable strain to corporate cash balances.

Features and Benefits


Maintain control over hedge strategies


Reduce funding requirement for initial and variation margin, enabling relocation of assets


Reduce administrative costs and time of managing margin calls by futures exchanges

Most futures are eligible for EFS

  • Crude Oil/Distillates
  • Base Metals
  • Iron Ores 
Comprehensive commodities coverage

Comprehensive commodities coverage

Access all your commodities solutions in one stop.

Customisable tenor

Customisable tenor

Select from a range of tenors based on your preference and risk profile.

Access to global markets’ liquidity

Access to global markets’ liquidity

Enjoy favourable rates due to our market leader position and extensive network.


Get in Touch
A Relationship Manager will reach out to you.

From overseas: +65 6222 2200
In Singapore: 1800 222 2200
Operating hours: 8.30am to 8.30pm, Mon - Fri (excluding PH)

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