npo webinar

DBS Webinar:

What Digital Readiness means for NPOs in the New Norm?

DBS Webinar:

What Digital Readiness means for NPOs in the New Norm?


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COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented changes, forcing us to reshape our interactions. Conventional outreach drives, events or religious services will evolve from what we are used to. Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) like yourself have to start thinking about new channels of community outreach. If not now, when? 

Hear from market industry gurus use digital outreach channels and how platforms such as SCASH can be tapped readily to engage your community. In this webinar, we will introduce a suite of digital solutions to help your organisation collect and connect digitally. DBS stands ready to partner you in navigating through this new norm. 

We are also delighted to have The Food Bank Singapore, share their digitisation journey and how their outreach strategies have pivoted over the years. Last but not least, come prepared with questions as we discuss what digital readiness means for NPOs in the new norm during the panel discussion segment.

Webinar Details

Date: 7 August 2020, Friday
Time: 3:00PM – 4:00PM

  • Opening Address by Mr Gene Wong
  • Digital Outreach by Mr David Lee, SIRS and Mr Michael Lee, SCASH
  • Food Bank’s Digitisation Journey by Ms Nichol Ng
  • DBS Digital Solutions by Ms Grace Tye
  • Panel Discussion

NPO Webinar

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What Digital Readiness means for NPOs in the new norm?

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