With DBS d2pay, you can set a daily transaction limit of up to S$100,000 and use one of your savings or current accounts for payment. You can also lower the transaction limit at the click of your mouse. To increase the daily transaction limit or change your designated account, all you need to do is complete the DBS d2pay Multi Purpose Form and mail it to us.
Easy to use
Making payments using DBS d2pay is a breeze with its easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
Instant online confirmation
You get instant peace of mind as d2pay gives you an acknowledgement page spelling out details of the payment. A unique payment reference will also be given for each payment made. If you need a copy of the acknowledgement, simply print it using your Internet Browser print function.
As DBS d2pay is Internet-based, you can access the service anytime, anywhere.
There is no application form to fill in nor a minimum income requirement to meet. To enjoy DBS d2pay, all you need is access to DBS iBanking.
Free of Charge
There are no subscription or transaction fees for DBS d2pay.