Portfolio Statistics

As of 31 December 2024 



Since Inception 





Portfolio Yield 

5.3% p.a. 

digiPortfolio fee

0.25% p.a. 

Fund house management fee 

0.35% p.a. – 0.45% p.a. 


Portfolio Yield reflects the blended yield to maturity (YTM) of the underlying assets as of 31 December 2024.

Portfolio inception date is 9 July 2022.

Portfolio Statistics

As of 31 December 2024 



Since Inception





digiPortfolio fee

0.75% p.a.

Fund house management fee

0.2% p.a. – 0.3% p.a.


Portfolio Statistics

As of 31 December 2024 



Since Inception





digiPortfolio fee

0.75% p.a.

Fund house management fee

0.2% p.a. – 0.3% p.a.

What is digiPortfolio?

digiPortfolio is a hassle-free, ready-made investment portfolio that offers the perfect match of human expertise and robo-technology. And now, you can savour the opportunity to invest in a wider selection of portfolios.

Built by human expertise
To create the recipe for growth and a product unlike others in the market, we tapped our elite team of portfolio managers, whose expertise was previously accessible only to investment sums of S$500,000 and above.

Besides carefully selecting exchange traded funds (ETFs) to create quality portfolios, the team monitors the market regularly, aligning digiPortfolio with our Chief Investment Office’s views to ensure optimal asset allocation and portfolio resilience, and initiating rebalancing whenever necessary.

Co-powered by technology
Nothing beats the speed of technology. So we use it to your advantage. digiPortfolio is coded to automate processes such as back-testing, rebalancing and monitoring. In doing so, we can deliver scale and efficiency, while giving every investor full transparency of trade activities.

Let our experts prepare a balanced portfolio for you.

How are digiPortfolios constructed and managed?

Every portfolio offered to you has gone through meticulous screening and selection by the DBS Investment Team.

Discretionary Portfolio Management Team

Expertise 1: Construction & Management

1.Selects the best funds from DBS’s platform

2.Optimises risk and return trade-off

3.Constructs resilient portfolios

4.Monitors the market and rebalances portfolios when necessary

Chief Investment Office

Expertise 2: Strategy

1.Top-down evaluation of macroeconomic & investment environment

2.Provides strategic and tactical asset allocation views

How do I invest in, monitor, top-up or withdraw from digiPortfolio?
Everything you need is readily available on digibank. Simply log in to digibank and locate digiPortfolio under the ‘Invest’ menu.

New to DBS? It’s easy with digibankingNEW

You can open a personal Multi-Currency Account and get digibank access easily on DBS digibank!

Download DBS digibank app now


What accounts do I need to invest in digiPortfolio?

digiPortfolios may be purchased in two currencies, S$ and US$. Here’s a summary of the required accounts for each type of digiPortfolio. 

For S$-denominated portfolios
Any individual DBS / POSB current or savings account.

For US$-denominated portfolios
Any of the following individual accounts.

  • eMultiCurrency Autosave (eMCA)
  • eMulti-Currency Autosave Plus (eMCA+)
  • Multi-Currency Autosave Plus
  • Multiplier Account
  • My Account

The fall below fee for the MCA will be waived for accounts that were opened specifically to fund your digiPortfolio.

How are fees calculated and deducted?

Portfolio Management Fees
This is the only fee that DBS charges and it goes towards the research, investment strategy, market monitoring and rebalancing of the digiPortfolio.

Management fees are calculated as a percentage of your portfolio value at the end of each day. The fees are accumulated daily and deducted from the cash portion of your portfolio after each calendar year or upon portfolio closure. If your cash balance is insufficient, we will increase it to the required amount by reducing the proportion of Unit Trust / ETF that you hold at prevailing prices.

You will see it in your transaction history as “DPS Management Fee” and note that this fee will be subject to GST at the prevailing rate.

Fund fees
Fund fees or total expense ratio (TER) is a measure of the total costs associated with managing and operating a fund. This comprises of fund management fees, trading fees and other operating expenses.

The TER is charged by fund managers and is accounted for in the end of day Net Asset Value (NAV) of your portfolio. There is no additional charge for TER.

Will my investment be counted towards the investment category of my Multiplier account?

Investments in SaveUp, Global (ETF-based), Asia, Income, Global Portfolio Plus and Retirement will count towards the investment category.

For new investors, lump sum investments (minimum S$1,000 per transaction) will be counted towards the investment category of DBS Multiplier.

For existing investors, a minimum lump sum top-up of S$1,000 per transaction is required to qualify for DBS Multiplier.

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