SGeBIZ - EzyPayment
Pay merchants, vendors and more with your DBS Commercial Cards
SGeBIZ - EzyPayment
Pay merchants, vendors and more with your DBS Commercial Cards
EzyPayment is a proprietary, state of the art, card-to-account digital payment platform designed for businesses and individuals. With EzyPayment, users can shift payments currently made with cash, cheque or bank transfers onto their credit cards and pay merchants, vendors even if they are non-card accepting merchants.
Switching to credit card payments helps users to maximize their credit and enjoy payment terms up to 55 days, interest-free credit. This means that businesses and individuals can conserve cash on hand, improving liquidity.

Maximise card rewards
Continue to earn rewards on your credit cards with EzyPayment

Leave more cash on hand
Extend your cash outflow due date by up to 55 days while paying on time

Automate and manage payments
Schedule and manage your payables with a detailed dashboard and reporting features. Track and reconcile payments with real-time updates

John receives an invoice from their supplier or vendor with a 30-day payment term

He pays for the invoice amount plus a transaction fee via his DBS Commercial Card lodged on EzyPayment and his payee gets paid on time

John’s credit card statement arrives on his billing cycle and is due only 25 days later as stated in the payment terms

John pays off his statement when it is due, extending his invoice payment terms by up to 55 days, interest-free!
Example for illustrative purpose only.
EzyPayment charges a fee per transaction to enable card payments in places where you couldn’t before. Terms and conditions apply.
From 15 January till 14 March 2024 (or until the Promo Code has been fully redeemed), make local payment using your DBS Commercial Mastercard Card* with 0% transaction fees** (the “Discount Rate”) via SGeBIZ EzyPayment 2.0 platform to your suppliers or vendors. An automatic Promo Code “EZYDBS24” will be applied in the payment details. Sign up for a free SGeBIZ account today!
*This promotion is only applicable to eligible DBS Commercial Mastercard Cards.
**Do note that the “Discount Rate” only applies during the promotion period and on a first-come-first-served basis. The “Discount Rate” will only apply to a capped transaction limit of S$50,000 per transaction. All transactions value above S$50,000 will attract a standard fee of 1.3%. There is no cap to the number of transactions per card.