SG50 SME Hero – Viola Tan
Viola Tan, Co-founder of Love, Bonito, shares with us why she is The Super Savvy.
About the business:
Incorporated in 2010, Love, Bonito is an online retail shop selling women’s apparel. The company has won SME Asia Award in 2013/2014 from Asian Business Journal and the Trade & Industry Association.
I am THE SUPER SAVVY because...
Its the nature of my industry! Love, Bonito started out as a blogshop and a platform for us to showcase our vintage items. We also earned extra pocket money in the process. The learning curve was steep growing Love, Bonito into the full fledge online fashion label we are now. Change was inevitable to stay competitive. On top of that, we take pride in each and every item we design, ensuring exclusively with high quality control.
The most heroic thing I have ever done is...
Taking the business beyond the shores of Singapore. Many people questioned me on taking the risk, but we are confident and motivated to share Love, Bonito with women in the region.
My best superhero trait is...
Having perseverance and tenacity. Love, Bonito is where she is also because of the support of a wonderful team.
My superhero costume will be...
A power jump suit. It's smart, elegant and exudes confidence. My costume will also entail teleportation powers. This will save so much traveling time from country to country and even within Singapore!
Being super savvy in business is important because...
The fashion industry is really fast moving. Having the right network and contacts have enabled us to identify and reach out to different markets.
The DBS SME Bank facility that have helped my business is...
Their network. DBS is a homegrown bank that is strategically placed in the region. So I get the support I need in the countries Love, Bonito expands in.
I am a SME Hero today only because...
Our RM has always gone the extra mile to answer my queries and is ever eager to help even when it’s out of her job scope. It really makes me feel like a valued customer.
My advice to aspiring SME Heroes is...
Dream big but at the same time, take action to realize them.
Read more about other SG50 SME Heroes

SG50 SME Hero – Damien Koh
Damien Koh, Co-founder of Joe & Dough, shares with us why he is The Power Grower.

SG50 SME Hero – Hoon Thing Leong
Hoon Thing Leong, Owner of Kim San Leng Coffee shops, shares with us why he is The Incredible Cost Cutter.

SG50 SME Hero – Samuel Goh
Samuel Goh, Founder of Baby’s Hyperstore, shares with us why he is The Ultimate Protector.

SG50 SME Hero – Jamie Lim
Jamie Lim, 2nd Generation owner of ScanTeak, shares with us why she is The Marvel Vision.
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